Interested in Serving on our Board?
Expectations for board members are as follows:
Maintaining a current Preserve membership.
Attend all board meetings (in person or via conference call); Prior notification of absences is expected.
Volunteer at least 24 hours per year contributing your Time, Talent or Treasure.
Be dedicated and committed to carrying out the mission of the Preserve within the community.
Take an active part in planning the Preserve’s budget and contribute time or talent to at least one fundraising event per year.
Submit to a background check as requested by the Executive Committee.
Act in accordance with the Bylaws and follow all of the Preserve’s policies.
Behave in a morally responsible manner that does not reflect negatively on the organization.
Treat each other with civility, dignity, and mutual respect.
Abide with the decisions of the majority, acting through a democratic process.